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About Me and the
Little Bunnies Method

Girl kissing mum

Amy White

Certified Baby Sleep Consultant

Perhaps you're up all night re-settling your baby, have a little one who finds the evenings really hard, or you just can't seem to get them to nap during the day.  Or perhaps you feel like you're doing daily battle with a toddler who refuses to settle for one parent or is doing a great impression of a jack-in-the-box, springing out of bed every time you think you've managed to settle them.


I've been there myself with a baby who seemed to hate sleeping, was regularly inconsolable, waking every hour or so and taking ages to settle each time.  It left me feeling hopeless and exhausted, knowing I wasn't supporting her in the way that she needed me to.  Thankfully, after getting help from a sleep consultant, our lives were transformed.  After just a few weeks I had a baby who initially woke just once a night for a feed, and not long after was sleeping through from 7pm to 7am.  She learnt to settle herself happily in her cot, so bedtime was no longer filled with stress and tears, but instead became an enjoyable time of the day for all of us.


She started to take longer and more regular naps during the day and we learnt to recognise those early subtle cues that signalled she was getting tired.  In short, she became a happier, more settled baby and we became a happier and more relaxed family.  


That journey led me to train as an infant sleep consultant myself, so that I can help other families to support their little ones and benefit from all the good things that better sleep can bring to your family.  I will never tell you to leave your baby alone for hours to 'cry it out'.  Instead I focus on very gradual change with lots of in-room support as we teach your baby or toddler new skills and help them to practice those a little more each day.  I will work with you to create a tailored plan that meets the specific needs of you and your little ones.  


Of course, children are constantly developing and changing, so the strategies that work for a five-month-old won’t necessarily work as well when they’re two.  I recognise this and when I work with you one-to-one, I will always leave you at the end of the programme with tips to evolve your strategies as your little one gets older, helping you to navigate the path ahead with confidence. 


Your family will be in safe hands when you’re working with me.  I’ve been working in the education sector for almost 20 years and am an OCN qualified sleep consultant.  However, it’s really important that you feel comfortable working with me and can trust me to guide you through the transitions that your family needs to take. Please take a look at my sleep support packages and book a free introductory call to find out if we would work well together and how I can help you and your little one to get the sleep that you need and deserve.

What you get when we work together

Whatever the needs of your family, Little Bunnies has a package to suit you.  Whether that's advice for those expecting a newborn or a package of one-to-one support.  Explore the Little Bunnies sleep support offers to find out what would work best for your family. 

Personalised Routines

Routines that are designed specifically to your child and your family's needs.  Need to work around a school run at 3pm, or want a later bedtime to suit your family dynamic?  I'll work with you to create a bespoke solution.

Ongoing Support

Most of my packages include three weeks of daily ongoing support via WhatApp.  Message me as much as you need to during that time.  I'm here to guide you through your sleep plan and make sure you feel supported as a parent to improve your child's sleep. Clients on premium packages also receive a number of additional video calls throughout their support period.

In-depth Analysis

I don't just ask about your child's sleep.  I look at feeding, play, routines, settling techniques, temperaments and family dynamics too, because sleep is just one part of the jigsaw.

Video Coaching

Nervous about making changes?  I can provide on-demand support from 6-9pm on your first night of implementing the new plan.  I'll be available on video for as long as you need me, talking you through each stage of the process and holding you hand as you implement new techniques.

Time to Talk

You'll get a one hour video consultation with me before I finalise your plan to ensure that I fully understand your sleep goals and any concerns you have.

Future Proofing

All of my clients leave with a handover document containing future proofing advice about how to handle any new sleep issues in the future.

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